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BrooXConnect is a unique group for productive minded singles on a mission of self-discovery.

The generality of members are within the ages of 20 years and above whilst named BrooXConnect Plus exists for 30 years and above who are majorly modern, working, business class singles

Our approach is to constantly engage each other maturely in discussions and healthy interactions that touch different aspects of everyday live from the view of a single individual.

These interactions can be in the areas of Business and career, relationship, finance and investment, life skills, etc

A key goal we pursue is the mutual exchange of value.

We have quarterly outings with all our members drawn across the various GIC Centres as well as non-GIC members.

We welcome you to an interactive family full of bonding, friendship, fun, laughter, relaxation, learning and development.

We are deeply honoured to welcome you to Broox.